Saturday, 11 October 2014

Week 2: The Film Room Project

This week the Film group project finally got under way after looking through many film stills to find a good scene to replicate. I probably could have looked through a lot less films if I understood the brief correctly, but I also think the explanation of the brief could have been better.

At first I thought we had to recreate a film scene as a small playable area, trying to capture the lighting and mood of the room along with the accuracy of the props, which lead me at the start to choose some bad room choices. It was only towards the end of the week that I found out that we were only recreating the shot, not the entire room, anything behind the camera could basically be ignored.

Our room choices had to be presented in front of a class along with the course tutors and near enough everyone's first choices were shot down for being too brown and green which I agree with. Luckily we we're given a second chance and the results were much stronger from everyone, below are the room choices from my group and while some of them are slightly too brown there is a good choice there.

Our film moodboard

After the presentation we came to the decision (with the help of other people!) to try and recreate this scene from Pulp Fiction and the work could be started!

[1] Butch's Childhood Home

We sat down as group  to discuss our goals for this weekend and one thing became clear, that the Visual Design side of the project was still confusing people. I think showing work examples would solve a lot of the confusion that has popped up with this project as it very clearly shows an end goal, if I was shown a completed 3D scene I probably would have caught on much quicker that we only had to recreate what was being shown and the same goes for showing some Visual Design thumb examples.

To help with the overall management of the project I set up a part of my Google Drive to allow the group to use it, this way important files can be accessed easily without any waiting around. I also set up an Google Excel sheet to help with the asset planning. I am finding this sort of forward planning really enjoyable and I don't know why...

An exciting screenshot of the Excel doc
I think the group will need more planning to help it run smoothly but for now I'd say this is a good start and I can begin the Visual Design side of the project properly over this weekend.

Notes & References
[1] Pulp Fiction (1994) Written & Directed by Quentin Tarantino

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